Miravalle s.r.l based in Strèda de Greva, 39 – 38031 Campitello di Fassa (TN), VAT Code: 01888020227. We inform you that, as indicated in art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, following the consultation of the present website, the treatment of data referred to identified or identifiable persons may take place.Miravalle s.r.l will proceed to treat the data you provide in full compliance with legal regulations concerning the protection of personal data. Users provide personal data optionally and are used for the sole purpose of providing the requested service; thus, failure to provide required data may result in impossibility to make use of our services. The personal data you provide (including eventual e-mail addresses) are collected via online modalities and treated ? also via the use of electronic procedures ? for the following purposes: 1. reasons related to hotel bookings or to the sending of informational materials Miravalle s.r.l will use this information only for the elaboration of the reservation, and to send relevant information for the confirming the booking, such as the receipt, the reservation code and the conditions). 2. statistical reasons, sending of advertising materials, also via e-mail. Within Miravalle s.r.l the data can be known only to: – the Data Treatment Supervisor, – the Data Treatment Manager, – employees and/or collaborators of Miravalle s.r.l , in quality of operators assigned to Data Treatment; – subjects nominated as external Data Treatment Managers, in observance of the limits and modalities established by the nomination letter and by currently effective legal dispositions. Collected data may be shared with third parties only in cases permitted by Legislative Decree 196/2003 (i.e.: to persons, companies or professional studios who offer assistance and consultancy to Miravalle s.r.l with regards to accounting, administrative, legal tax-related and financial themes, within the necessary limits for the fulfilment of their tasks; to comply with legal and regulatory requirements or Community dispositions, and in any case within limits established by the aforementioned norms). Personal information will not be sold, rented out or commercialized in any other form without the consent of the subject in question. The list of authorized staff is available for your consultation, within the legal headquarters of Miravalle s.r.l Navigation data acquired by our IT systems are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information concerning the use of our website and to check its correct functioning. The data may also be used to certify responsibilities in the case of hypothetical IT crimes against our website. As indicated in art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, you have the right ? in any given moment ? to request information concerning the treatment of your data, its modalities and the logic applied in these operations from the Data Treatment Manager, as well as: 1) the confirmation of the existence of the data in question and communication of the data and of their origins; 2) personal ID data of the Data Treatment Supervisor and Managers, as well as of subjects or categories of subjects who are entitled to receive the data or who may come to know about the data, in quality of Managers or operators; 3) the update, correction and integration of your data; 4) the cancellation of the data, its transformation into anonymous form, the blocking of any data not treated in compliance with the law; 5) a certification that operations described in points 3) and 4) have been brought to the attention of subjects who received the data, with the exception of the case in which this is impossible or implies financial expenses that are manifestly disproportionate with regards to the protected right; 6) the right to refuse: the treatment of data, even if pertinent with the purpose of their collection, for legitimate reasons; the treatment of data for commercial information purposes or for market research.
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Camping Miravalle
Strèda de Greva, 39 38031 Campitello di Fassa (TN), Italia